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- Timber Care brochure in PDF format
  Product Treatment Purpose Suggested Applications  
Reseal Timber Protective End-sealing and re-treatment of CCA/ACQ® treated pine. Protects from borers, termites and fungal decay. All end-cuts (e.g. retaining walls, decks, balustrades).
XJ™ Timber Protective Clear General preservative for all outdoor timber requiring a clear finish. Protects from fungal decay, borers and termites. Reseals 'cut ends' of LOSP and 'blue' pine framing. Window frames, external doors, gates, fences, handrails, outdoor furniture.
CN Timber Oil
CN Timber Oil™ Timber Protective Heavy duty general purpose preservative for hardwoods & softwoods to protect against fungal decay and borers. Fences, landscaping, wharves, bridges, engineered structures.
CN Emulsion
CN Emulsion™ Timber Protective Super heavy duty protection from fungal decay of timber and timber structures, particularly when in ground contact. Poles, bolt holes, interfaces and joints in high hazard situations.
Raincoat™ A water repellent finish for treated and untreated timber, reducing checking, splitting or movement.
Penetrates to protect and enhance the beauty of all timber*.
Decks, fences, cladding, furniture, lattice, windows, pergolas and any exterior structures.
Osmose recommends reading product label instructions before use in regard to application, safety and storage. Re-application may be required to maintain product effectiveness; particularly in high hazard situations.
* Osmose recommends the use of lighter colour paints or stains to provide a more durable result. This product is directly compatible with other alkyd or oil based paints and stains.
When using acrylic or other water-based products, first coat with an oil based primer.

Osmose®, ACQ® , Protim®, Raincoat™, CN Timber Oil™ and CN Emulsion™ are trademarks of Osmose Inc. and its subsidiaries. © 2007 Osmose Australia.